Friday, May 2, 2014

Collab41 Redefined

Hey Guys,

It's been about a month since my partner Caleb and I first came up with the idea for Collab41.  We had such a broad idea of the website, trying to accomplish too many things at once.  After meeting with many mentors and advisors from professors at Northeastern University to crowd-funding website experts, we have completely redefined our idea.

Collab41 is now a geo-localized, community-based crowdfunding platform for small businesses and startups. It is a Kickstarter for just your town. Our goal is still to connect entrepreneurs with the general public for both funding and collaboration, and we have found that there is no better way to do this than by bringing communities together. We have interviewed 10+ people and done a lot of research, and have found the following:

The General Public:
- is interested in interacting with new small businesses
- hates when new businesses have to close their doors too early and wishes they can help
- has ideas for small businesses in their communities
- knows businesses and individuals who could benefit from our platform
- hates when closed businesses leave vacant property for long periods of time
- often feels uncomfortable giving money to people they don't know on Kickstarter, but love the idea of Kickstarter and would love to fund local projects for rewards such as free meals, & coupons
- are generally intrigued by the concept of entrepreneurship

Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs:
- are constantly looking for new ways to interact with their communities
- have trouble getting off the ground
- have capital needs
- have human capital needs
- need partners
- value word-of-mouth advertising over all other forms of marketing

There is value for all parties involved. Projects on the site will range from established small businesses looking to make improvements, buy equipment, embark on new projects, or hire freelancers, to fresh entrepreneurs looking for the capital and partners they need to fill vacant property and open up the next community pizza place.

We want to get a site up and start in one of our towns in New Jersey by talking with the local government and community. We have drawn website plans and are exploring our options for funding. 

We also have plans to reach out to Groupon and somehow connect what they do to what we are doing in order to get more people to embrace their community.

Collab41's website will be extremely simple to use, just enter your zip code, and your town's Collab41 page will pop up.  Your town's site will display familiar pictures of scenery, stores, and restaurants in your town, making your adventure with Collab41 comfortable and exciting.  Same as my last post, find a business or start-up you are interested in and see how you can mutually benefit each other.  Or if you are ready, start your own business.  No better way to get off the ground than in your own community, with your friends and family.  

Email us at for any questions or concerns.  Thanks for reading,

-Nick Shanman

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